七年级一班: 徐佳阳 何嘉睿 演讲主题《好习惯益终生》
法国学者培根曾经说过:“习惯是人生的主宰,人们应该努力地追求好习惯。”的确,行为习惯就像我们身上的指南针,指引着每一个人的行动。纵观历史,大凡获得成功的人,都有一些良好行为长期坚持,养成习惯,形成自然。鲁迅先生从小就养成不迟到的习惯,他要求自己抓紧时间,时时刻刻地叮嘱自己凡事都要早做,这样长时间地坚持下去,就养成了习惯。这位以“小跑走完一生”的作家,在中国以至世界文学史上留下了辉煌的业绩。可见,行为习惯对一个人各方面的素质起了决定性的作用,对我们中学生来讲,尤为重要。 就拿我们密切相关的学习来说吧。我们经常看到这样的现象,有些同学平时不刻苦、不用功,作业总是马虎潦草,没有养成踏实认真的学习习惯,成绩总是不好。因此,我们在学习时,最重要的是养成一个良好的学习习惯。它会使你终生受益。
下面给大家列举几种好习惯,看看大家有没有养成,例如:提前预习、经常阅读的习惯;坐姿端正规范书写的习惯;宿舍熄灯后上床不喧哗的习惯;进入餐厅不奔跑、不插队、不浪费的习惯; “播下一个行动,收获一种习惯;播下一种习惯,收获一种性格;播下一种性格,收获一种命运。”昨日的习惯,已经造就了今日的我们;今日的习惯决定明天的我们。让我们从现在做起,从今天做起,养成良好的行为习惯,做一个优秀的为明学生,共同创造辉煌的未来!
英文版:French scholar Bacon once said:“Habits are the master of life, people should make great efforts to pursuit good habits.” And indeed, Habits like a compass to us, guiding everyone's direction.Throughout history, any successful men all own some good habits. They held them for a long time, until to be a natural formation. For example, Lu Xun, He get into the habit of being on time. He asked himself not to waste time. He always tells himself to do everything early. From him, we can see: “If you hold on a good habit for a long time, you can form it”. We also can see:“The habits of a person play a decisive role”.Let’s talk about our study. We often see such a phenomenon, some students, which don't study hard, always sloppy scribble, always get bad grades. Therefore, when we are learning, it’s very important to develop a good study habit. It will make you a lifelong benefit.
Now, I’d like to share some good examples. Preview before class; read a lot; Sit up straight; write carefully ; go to bed early and be quiet in the dormitory ; no running, no queue-jumping and no wasting in the dining hall . Please always remember "Sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit; reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.The habit of yesterday, has contributed to today's us; The habit of today will impact our tomorrow. Let’s start from now, start from today, try our best to develop a good habit. In this way, I believe that all of us will be a better Wei Ming students and have a more brilliant future!