我校温泉校区本学期外教课已于2014年12月结束,随着外教课程的结束,两名外教也相继返回美国。本学期我校外教Krista 、Lindsay均是来自于美国杨百翰大学。她们在本学期的教学工作中,积极与我校英语老师配合,认真踏实地工作态度得到了校领导及搭班老师的认可,同时较好地完成教学任务,学生在听力、口语和英语实践运用能力上得到了很大的提升。
To Whom It May Concern:
My time here at Weiming Experimental School has been very enjoyable. The staff are very professional and made me feel welcomed, giving me all the materials necessary to help me teach. I am grateful that the English teachers gave me so much direction on how to most effectively teach the students and what to teach them.
The school was kept very clean and I felt as though it is a good environment for the kids to be in. The teachers are very involved in their kids’ lives which I was very impressed by, because they put so much effort into making sure the kids are prepared. I was not involved in many of the activities or responsibilities at the school, but I know the other teachers work hard with the kids.
There is a big emphasis on English at Weiming School and I appreciate that. I have been very impressed by everything here and the kids English is very impressive.
Thank you so much for all your help and support while I have been here. It has been a privilege to work at Weiming Experimental School.
Lindsay Boizelle
Lindsay Boizelle
I have been a volunteer English teacher at Weiming Experimental School from September to December and I am very impressed with this school. All of the teachers and staff here have been very kind and welcoming to me. Whenever I had a question or needed help with anything, I know I could rely on the staff of this school, especially in the English department, to be there for me.
The students at this school are lucky to have such a great environment to learn and grow in. The students are generally well-behaved and I have been mostly impressed with the way classes are run. It is well organized and the students are well cared for. I can tell that the teachers and staff all genuinely care for the students are work very hard to ensure that they receive good education.
I have been so lucky to have been able to be a part of this great school, even for such a short time. The people I have met here and the students have touched my life in a way that I will not forget. You should be very proud of the great school you have running here.
Thank you for your kind welcome, I will miss you all.
Krista Kirby
二零一四年九月到十二月在为明实验学校当志愿者的这段时间是我难以忘怀的美好日子。这里的老师非常友善也极其乐意给予我帮助,每当我遇到不解的问题,或遇到困难的时候,老师们,尤其是英语部门的老师,总能给予我极大的帮助。能在这样温暖的环境里学习和生活是为明孩子莫大的荣幸。当然,他们的表现也相当出色,尤其是他们严于律己的课堂氛围。为明老师和工作人员兢兢业业,对学生的关怀无微不至,为学生提供好的教学环境而挥洒辛劳的汗水。 即使在这样短的时间里,我为能成为该校的一员深感骄傲,这里的老师和学生将成为我生命中难以忘怀的宝贵财富。我希望你们也能为身在为明大家庭而感到骄傲和自豪。再次衷心感谢你们热烈的欢迎,我会想念你们的。
Krista Kirby